I had some time off from work today... long week end for Memorial Day and all... so I made some more brushes.

Thanks for letting me know that this is something you all would like more of... I am still playing around with the style of what I am trying to do so hang in there as I try to make sets that have some sort of themes to them.

To test the "theme pack" idea I started with Desert... some Trees, Cactus, rocks, dirt, grass, a bush or two and yes a tumbleweed.


I am wondering if these are compatible with PS-CS2/3 (basically any versions higher than PS-7) so if one of you has one of them would you test it for me... thanks!


P.S. I think it would be best for me to just use this thread for all my brushes so could I get a thread name change to: RPGMapMaker's Free Brush Packs (PS7) ... or some such appropriate name of the admin's choosing