Haven't had as much time to work on this as I'd like...but I have been playing with it when I can and have tried to incorporate the many useful suggestions you guys have provided. I think I'm happy enough with the cave walls (for now) to start thinking about throwing some symbols in. Probably keep it rather minimalistic - they are troglodytes after all...

### LATEST WIP ###
Troglodyte Lair - v3b.JPG

I've also been thinking about the traps. My thought is that most of the sets of stairs will contain one of those hollow-floor-spikey-type traps with the twist that the weight of your foot going through the steps will crush a glass bottle filled with the juice from the Troglodyte musk gland (which in addition to alerting the trogs within the cavern of your presence will also cause severe nausea and discomfort). I figured that I would try to actually draw it from the side view and then incorporate into the side of the map somehow. Problem is...I can't draw...and I have no idea how to convert my hand drawing into a more useable image through photoshop or CC3. So, that's something I'm going to have to try to learn over the next 2 weeks (unless anyone has some helpful suggestions.....)

Step Trap.jpg