Whaha, long time no post. Chiming in, in no particular order:

MS Office 2003
OpenOffice (for those documents MS Office can't handle, I honestly have a hard time working with OpenOffice, MS Office is much easier for me)
Semagic (for posting to LiveJournal)
Painter 10 (painting, sketching, etc)
Paint Shop Pro 9 (image editing)
Firefox with a host of plugins (Chatzilla, Foxmarks, Adblock, Download Status Bar and Undo Closed Tabs at least)
CCleaner (cleaning the pc of unnecessary stuff)
JKdefrag (defragmentation tool)
VLC media player
Windows Live Messenger + Msg Plus

That's about the minimum of stuff I use regularly. Not counting firewall and virusscanner (Comodo and Avast, respectively)