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Thread: Concetron (City Designer 3)

  1. #11

  2. #12
    Community Leader Gandwarf's Avatar
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    Jun 2008


    A new version of the map with some added farms, vegetation and villages. Unfortunately I think the hedges and bushes are not in the vegetation layer, but the houses layer. So the shadows of the vegetation are a bit messed up. I will have too look into that. Ah well, still learning...
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  3. #13

  4. #14
    Community Leader Gandwarf's Avatar
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    Jun 2008


    Probably about 15 hours. I have created each individual house, road, wall, etc myself, which is really time consuming. CD3 has some features I didn't use, like creating whole streets. Will experiment with that in the future.

    15 hours sounds like a lot of time in hindsight... but this is my first ever city map, so there's a learning curve as well.
    Last edited by Gandwarf; 09-18-2008 at 05:54 PM.

  5. #15


    For this map, 15 hours sounds like a very short time. The 'street tool' in CC2 (sorry I don't have CC3, but I assume it's the same) is very cool and tweakable too. I'm not sure if it will be any help, but have a look at this tut, which may give you some ideas as to where to go from here if you choose to use it.

  6. #16
    Community Leader Gandwarf's Avatar
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    Hmm, that tutorial looks interesting. Gonna try that with my next map. It could save a lot of time and make things look more natural

    I'm going to leave the map looking like this for today. I think I can fix the shadows on the vegetation.

    I'm already itching to get started on the next city. A small fortress town which is located not far from this city (they share access to the same lake).
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    Last edited by Gandwarf; 09-18-2008 at 07:12 PM.

  7. #17


    I was so amazed by the effort that I hesitated to say it, but I'll say it now as we have built up a rapport , generally in large cities (Ok this is fantasy but nevertheless) you really don't have that many individual buildings pushed up against each other, particularly with the road system you have. It suggests that you should have at least some (if not a lot of) larger buildings in which a lot of people live. Generally speaking, in real life anyway, once the density of housing gets to the stage suggested by your city, people live in appartments.

    Google cities like Parma to see what I mean - here is a wiki picture of parma:


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  8. #18
    Community Leader Gandwarf's Avatar
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    You are probably right

    Although, medieval apartments? I don't want apartments in my fantasy world. That just doesn't sound right, somehow.

    I guess I am picturing something more like this:

    Lots of small houses, even if it's a fortress town.

    This is one of the examples coming with CD3. The house blocks look more natural.

    Ah well, so much to learn
    Last edited by Gandwarf; 09-18-2008 at 07:37 PM.

  9. #19


    wowza amazing job on this. Kind of makes me wish i had this program

  10. #20
    Guild Journeyer
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    Toronto, Canada


    shaping up really well. Seeing the farming lands are helping balance it out for all the mouths that'll be needed to be fed.

    I agree about the density. Would the more poorer population would be outside the city walls? (unable to afford the taxes that the city demands for protection? Or if they are all capable of paying, more squares - green area one in each quarter? OR would that be a more modern idea in town planning?

    I love that reference photo you posted, Gandwarf.

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