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Thread: Gormenghast

  1. #1

    Default Gormenghast

    Gormenghast is a huge, almost endless castle from the work of Mervin Peake.

    So I figured, why don't we build our own version.

    Attached is the first room. Feel free to build new rooms to it. Let's see how big it gets. If you run out of white space, just make more canvas in whatever software you use. Make sure you save at a highish resolution.

    Let's see how big we can make this sucker.

    Just three rules:

    Black and white only (no grey)
    Try to follow conventions others have already set (eg. stairs, pillars, doors etc) so it looks consistent.
    Don't make complicated symbols others will find hard to reproduce
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  2. #2


    Wouldn't it be better to use .png files for this?

  3. #3


    Converted to a png and added a room...

    I also snapped the original walls to the pixel. The thick walls are 15px and the thinner lines are 5 px. and the font is 36pt arial.


    -Rob A>

  4. #4


    Added a side room with a spiral staircase.


  5. #5


    If i may ask, what is the first room? What are those circles?

    Nice job though.

  6. #6

  7. #7


    That would make sense,


  8. #8
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I started reading Titus Groan a long long time ago and I found it hard going but it was an incredibly rich and descriptive book. I started it because one of my favourite artists Rodney Matthews did a series of art prints from the book. I have just tried to get some google hits on that but failed. Its in his 2nd book I think - last ship home. I remember long lost rooms in Gormenghast where there was thick dust on the floors and it was all very gothic.

  9. #9
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Hey, cool idea! I too started to read the Gormenghast books years ago and just couldn't get into them. Maybe I'll try 'em again one of these days...

    Anyway, I added a cross-hall and a half-moon chamber. Maybe it's an art gallery or something.
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  10. #10
    Guild Expert Ramah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
    Hey, cool idea! I too started to read the Gormenghast books years ago and just couldn't get into them. Maybe I'll try 'em again one of these days...
    I hear you there, man. I tried several times and managed to get about 50 pages or so. The thing that really sticks in my memory is where Mervyn uses something like two pages of text to describe a wine stain on a cooks apron. How it is shaped, the colour, how it goes in and out of the iight as he rocks back and forth... oh man, just thinking about it is making my eyelids heavy.

    And it annoys me coz I know they are regarded as classics and the actual ideas behind the books sounded really cool. :S
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