My submission for the last challenge was Praamador, a world created for my friend Dan, based on his instruction. Praamador was quite small, and had been the subject of one previous campaign. My concept of Praamador filled in some blanks, but remained faithful to the world as it was known to the players.

Dan requested that I create a second landmass, one that was bigger and to the north. He gave me a very rough sketch without so much as a single name. It was basically rectangular with a place in the middle of the southern coast shielded by mountains, and a city in the middle of the east coast with a "natural barrier creating a channel", which I took to mean a choke point, which you can find at South Harbor.

The northeast is "hilly, higher" and there's a sketch of the northwest mountain mass. I took some license. I haven't showed it to Dan yet but I will as I need him to make some edits at this stage. This uses the same faux-Ramah style that I used for Praamador. Your commentary and suggestions are welcome.
