Radigast-added Hightown and Smalltown_Full City.png

This is a city I'm doing for GM Zork. It's set in Oerth, somewhere in the Flaenass, I'll wager, on the banks of a mighty inland lake, at the outlet of meandering marshy river. The city is home to some 40.000 odd souls (and a few soulless monstrosities, I'll wager). I started out the whole thing in photoshop, but switched over to a vector base, since it will make it easier to tidy everything up and around later on. As you can see, the main town structure is still taking shape. Just drawing out all the little buildings is a time-sink par excellence.

Comments on the layout and such welcome, I can't really ask for style comments yet, since this is all still very rough, while I sketch in the city itself.