Hey all...Since my PCs are frequently roaming about the desert, I thought it would be cool to have some more complex random encounters for them while their making their way from city to city. I stumbled upon side-quest type encounter in Dungeon Magazine ("Palace of the Twisted King") that seemed to suit this purpose.

The plan is that they would seek shelter from a vicious sand storm in this ruined way station. However, the real terror for them begins that night as a group of "Meenlocks" torment them from their secret basement tunnels (I'll start working on that map next).

I made it with CC3 and the few objects in there are from the CSUAC. Comments, Criticisms, and Suggestions are welcomed. I'm still not 100% on the ruined walls - I was really having trouble conveying the crumbling of the walls (in retrospect, I wonder if I may have been better off trying to make this map in Photoshop).

Abandoned Way Station - test.JPG