
So, my players have bitten a side quest I dangled their way... It is based on the adventure "Sacred shrine".

Duergar Forge.png

I decided that the last encounter was in a large forge. I also added the necromancer, that is mentioned in the adventure but that the player never actually meet otherwise...

My idea is that both the chief Duergar and the necromancer turn invisible, then, when the players enter, they ambush them, and call forth the skeletons that were lying in ambush in the ambers on the right.
As I plan it, the necromancer will cast "enlarge" on the biggest skeleton that will grow out of the ambers, trailling the other two clutch its clavicules bones...

It will be a pretty cool scene, I think and will be a good lesson for my players... So far, they haven't fought anything much smarter than an orc and being out-maneuvered and ambushed might teach them some prudence...

I still need to put a lot of work on the furniture (that will come from dundjinni), and to play with the shadows and light effects, this map should be rich with these...

Right now, I only made the shadows for the two anvils, mostly to see how it looked... I tried doing some light effects on the stone margin of the northern fire, but I need to rework it...
I also wanted to light up the side of the anvil facing that source of light, but the results are crap and I need to redo it...

Anyway, lot's of work still ahead...

As usual I'd be grateful for advices and critics...