Awhile back I started mapping out the "Master of Desert Nomads" Module (X4) with side-tracked along the way...and have now decided to come back to least for now...You can see the other 2 maps i've done for it here and here.

The final sequence in the module involves an Abbey that has been quietly taken over by "Bhuts" posing as monks. Its a large complex with lots of areas to explore and lots of fun there is a catacombs.

Because the area of the Abbey is way to large to print out as one battle map (400' x 300'), I figured that I would create one map file with 3 different views. One view will be the whole Abbey complex that can be printed out on letter-sized paper. The other two views will have the roof hidden and just show floor plans of the buildings (some have 2 floors). For these, I will zoom in and print out the parts I need in battle-grid scale.

So, here is my progress thus far on the first view. Super special thanks to Joachim for pointing out that CC3 has a roof building function (ProFantasy Community Forum - Making a Roof?). I'll post a higher res version once I get a little further along.

I welcome any and all comments, criticisms, and suggestions...particularly for the roofs in the NW...there are some odd shaped buildings and I'm having a hard time figuring out where the ridge lines should be...*Note, the labeling is largely just a place holder at this point...still need to pretty it up later on.

Evil Abbey.JPG

and here's the blacksmith's shed (small square building below the well)...not entirely happy with how the arch entrance turned out, but I suppose it will do until I can figure out a better way to do it. All symbols and textures were snagged/modified from stuff found on the Dunjinni Forums and

F - Blacksmith Shed.JPG