Some players of mine have set up a retirement project for their characters (yeah for optimism...) and want to buy themselves an inn...

Initially, in a bit of metagaming, they wanted to buy the Jumping Dwarf inn from a one shot I ran for some of them...

But I decided that such a project deserved more...

So I started to work on a bigger project.
Ultimately, I'd like it to be three+ stories high, with the ground level for the restaurant (one of my player has already taken points in "profession: cook" and pestering my NPCs for recipes... It's a bit awkward around mind-flayers...).
The next levels will be rooms for the customers and, on a roof, the stairs will lead to two "towers", two stories high (where I plan my players to set up their private quarters).

So, without more ado, here is the ground level...

Sleepy's inn.png

I still have to add all the shadows, the doors and the windows and the light effects... I don't yet know if it will come furnished or if I'll let them take care of that...
I might also put a row of pillar in the middle to support the second floor and make use of this big space... It could also use a chimney or two, I suppose...

Anyway, second floor should come soon enough. Until then; let me know if you have any suggestion, comment or question.