Quote Originally Posted by torstan View Post
@Neon -The Mist? How did you hear about that. That's strictly..... definitely not something I've heard about....
When you started talking other dimensions.

OK, I know of the standard 4: length, height, width and time (basicially the previous 3, as in I am the same entity as I was last year but I appear different in the most basic of laymans' terms.)

The 5th dimension and upwards have been theorized as other realities that over lay our own but we just are not in sync with them. This of course then gets into the whole paranormal aspect of that is where the monsters and ghosts and UFOs and what not comefrom.


In the Steven King novella/and movie The Mist a Military installation was able to open a portal to another dimension and of course that was were all the baddies came from. So, when you mentioned the collider could be used to study the existence of other dimensions beyound the 4 known....