Hi Ladystorm. We all kind of learned by doing. You will catch on quick.

So for starters, ther is no "Like" button. We used to have one bu t it got lost in an upgrade conversion a couple years ago. we miss the Like button. You can however, use the "Rate This Thread" in a similar fashion to a Like. it is in the upper right corner of the thread you want to rate. See the red arrow in the screenshot I posted.

I drew a red arrow pointing down to the "REP" Button. It looks like a sheriffs badge or star. see the red arrow in the lower left side of the screenshot. Giving REP is a nice little way to show someone that you like their map, or you like what they said or did in one of their posts. I think that for every 100 points of REP you receive, you get another green button under your name. The longer you have been a member, and the more REP you have the more REP you can give someone. Since you are new, you probably give out 1 REP point at a time. Because I have been around a while I have an AWESOME REP HAMMER of 44 points. Don't worry, if you are active (and I see you have some very nice maps) your numbers will go up quickly.

Now when you get a REP or a Private Message ( a PM ) the Notifications bar will show you a Pop-up letting you know that there is one. Clicking on it will take you to your inbox to read it.
Hope that helps a little.