I am working on a map of a ship in our Star Wars RPG campaign. It is a Barloz-class freighter (from the Stock Freighters sourcebook by West End Games) which our group has customized to our campaign. Using Gimp, I traced the outline of the ship and the general arrangement (as found in the sourcebook). Here is what the "stock" ship looks like (from the sourcebook):
Barloz Freighter.jpg

Here is what I have currently:
Audacious Albatross 3.jpg
Our group splurged on hardwood flooring for the crew's section. [The non-wooded crew area is the medical bay.] We also added some "hidden" cargo holds in the cargo bay and a brig on the side of the cargo bay.

I am planning on adding the "random stuff" to the crew section and cargo section as I go along. Before I get in to adding that stuff (some of which are present around the cockpit), I wanted to get some comments and criticism on the basic map. Specifically, how should I handle the ramps and cargo lifts (shown in dashed lines and with arrows on the WEG arrangement)?

Also, I am having difficulty with the escape pods. I found this image online of an escape pod for a C-3PO action figure. sw04ultrac-3popodfr.jpg
I am fairly new to Gimp (what you see above is my first full project) - what would be the best way to go about making an escape pod object so that I can use it on future projects? It doesn't have to look exactly like the picture, but close enough that folks will know what it is.