Heh. The adding the control in is the $64k question. The simple answer is yes. It would be a cinch to change the variables for the jitter on the fly. If only I knew how to increase the UI to do such a thing. I've learned quite a lot about java over the past few weeks and I am sure without a doubt that I would be able to do it. But if the previous two weeks has taught me anything it's that I will be throwing hours at it to get something that appears to be simple to work, only to find that it is some kind of weird syntax that any young teen would know off the bat. So I might just leave that to Fluesopp as he is much better equipped to extend it in such a way.

Anyway... back to the main reason for my post. I think... THINK... I have solved the problem of the trees straying out of bounds. Not only that but fixing it has also solved the problem of the taller trees straying up the image and requiring a larger blank space at the top... AND... AND... I seem to have fixed the 1024 x 1024 limit for a mask at the same time. Yay. Well.. I've just tested it with a 1204 x 2048 image and it worked fine.

I'll just get it all cleaned up and post the new version shortly.