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Thread: Wargame map for game "Ordered to Die"

  1. #1
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected timallen's Avatar
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    Wip Wargame map for game "Ordered to Die"

    Hi all:

    This will be my first thread here, so bare with me if I mess things up!

    A couple weeks ago White Dog Games asked me to build a map for one of there upcoming games, to be called "Ordered to Die". It will be a hex & counter war-game on a battle that took place near Baghdad in 1915. They sent along a map the game designer was using and asked if I could re-do it in Photoshop. Here is the original map.
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  2. #2
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected timallen's Avatar
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    About a week ago I started work on the photoshop version. After playing around with quite a number of different backgrounds, I came up with this one. Its based on the assumption that the map will be printed onto an 11x17 paper. It doesnt look too bad, even with loads of terrain yet to add. I sent this off to the designer to get his thoughts on it. I also had a number of quetions for him on exactly how to proceed with some other parts, like the entrenchments and such.
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  3. #3
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected timallen's Avatar
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    After seeing the map I had started, the designer asked if I could have the river follow the hex lines instead of flow through the hexes, so I changed that and started adding in some of the terrain. I grabbed some nice buildings out of CC3 and used them for the villages and mosques and sand dunes. My swamp looks odd...gotta work on that more. But its coming along.
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  4. #4

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  6. #6
    Community Leader mearrin69's Avatar
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    Heh. I like Papyrus. It's unfortunate that it has gotten such a bad rap for overuse/misuse.

    @timallen: It's a nice looking map so far. Only issue I'll raise is one of licensing and CC3 - don't know the particulars of the CC3 user license so I'll suggest you check (if you haven't) that it's okay to use their images in commercial works (and whether its okay to use them in such works with other software). If it's not cool maybe you can recreate them with a slightly different look? Looking forward to seeing where you take this. I love wargames!

  7. #7
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected timallen's Avatar
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    Yes its Papyrus. Its only a "placeholder" font until I find something else. Unless the boss at White Dog Games likes it, of course!

    I did go over that CC3 info when I first got it. I recall that using there stuff for commercial maps was not an issue. It shouldn't be...the dang software cost enough! And, BTW, CC3 is a complete enigma to me. I just Dont Get It. Its a shame, since it cost so much and other people seem to be able to make very nice maps with it. I guess its mostly because I keep wanting to do stuff in it "The photoshop way" and its Nothing like photoshop. With Gimp if you know photoshop you can probably puzzel out how to do stuff, but not with CC3. At least I cant.

  8. #8
    Community Leader mearrin69's Avatar
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    I've never used CC3 but have bought and tried the NBOS software and find it equally incomprehensible. I much prefer Photoshop.

  9. #9
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected timallen's Avatar
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    Yep. I've spent too much time with Photoshop...I dont seem to have the time now to "unlearn" it, so that I can learn CC3. Oh well.

    Here is the latest version of the map. Been hard at it!
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  10. #10
    Community Leader mearrin69's Avatar
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    Looking really good. Noticed a typo: terain - terrain.

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