Quote Originally Posted by nwelte View Post
You have any suggests as to how to make artistic farm fields in this same style. As you can see from my map I tried to put furrows around a few settlements.

Off the top of my head (and without gimp at hand) and if the scale is local enough....

Create a new gradient type that goes from white to black, but make sure you set the blend to be sinusoidal (the default blends are all linear).
Select the area's you want to be fields using the pen tool to make a straight edged selection.
Create a new transparent layer, and with the gradient tool, set it to triangular repeats, and fill the selection(s) with the gradient in the size desired for the row spacing. You can do it with different selection in different directions to make the furrows go different ways.

Use this as a base heightfield for:
-bumpmap (on a 50% grey level like everything else)
-colourmap (might have to create a brown-green gradient to represent the green crops on brown dirt.. a bit of pixel spread might work well on the colour after as well.. )

-Rob A>