Quote Originally Posted by tilt View Post
very nice RobA, was about to say something about a drop-down-shadow look in the north-west, but it disappeared when I zoomed in ... personally I'm not a big fan of the pointillism of your shading, but overall it looks good
Thanks - that style of shading was specifically asked for by the requester. As it is to be printed in B&W, and at 300DPI, it seems to work... I just need to play with the density a bit...

Quote Originally Posted by jfrazierjr View Post
Not quite sure the mountains all match the same perspective.... mainly, Darkmoon spire looks a bit flatter tthan the others.... I do dig the overall thing....Is this going to be B/W or color?
This latest version pretty much hides Darkmoon Spire behind the label - Gonna have to fix that. Not sure what you mean though, it seems the same to me, but I've been staring at this map for ~14 hours now...

Quote Originally Posted by RecklessEnthusiasm View Post
Oh emm gee, this is lovely! No real crits here, just impressed and jealous sighs.
You? I'm usually jealous of your work - your recent hand drawn style is da-bomb! But thanks!

Quote Originally Posted by Larb View Post
Does dithering refer to how you do shading with all the little dots? And regarding that, how would you reproduce that kind of shading in photoshop (assuming it wasn't too difficult to do?). It's a really nice effect.

Oh and it looks really really nice btw. =P
Dithering is the shading with dots. Not sure about photoshop - maybe someone can translate.... I just painted greyscale shading in multiple layers (mountain shading, derest, roads, desert, land outline, etc) all in multiply mode then did a New from visible of just he shading, and moved that layer to a new image. I converted that new image to an indexed image 1-bit using the default dithering gimp does, then brought the dithered layer back in (mode set to multiple) and hid all the other shading layers.

I honestly wan't sure if it would work, but it beats drawing dots by hand. I'm still most likely going to apply a displacement filter on the dither layer to break up some of the regularity.

Here is the latest with most of the labeling done:

-Rob A>