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Thread: Cave system

  1. #11
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Thanks Arcana. I'll put it all in a pdf when I'm done. I used it as a drow lair in my campaign with the chasms full of spiders and webs. Lots of fun. I'll put up the maptool campaign file at the end as well for those with an inclination for more interactive maps.

    As a bonus for today here is another cavern. This cave is below the Waterfall Cavern but above the Large Cavern. The access from above and below is solely through the waterfalls:


  2. #12

  3. #13
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Well yes, with the emphasis on 'sort of'. The maps were all used top down. However I couldn't see a way of drawing a pretty waterfall completely top down so I extruded them up as if the maps were isometric. It was a cheat that was only really used for the waterfalls and I left it in because I liked the way it looked. There's only one other feature that looks isometric. I'll post it today or tomorrow.

  4. #14
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Hmmm, I thought I'd posted the last of these but it seems it didn't go up. Anyway, here they are.

    The Armoury:


    The Store Room:


    Finally the pit cave - bottom left from the main map. This is the one in a more isometric view and I like the result.


    Anyway, it was fun playing with a new style. I guess a fair amount of this has permeated into my pirate cove design that I am playing with on the other thread.

    Arcana mentioned shape and angle dynamics for pens. I can get the jitter working, however sizing the pen with pressure seems to be a little broken in gimp - it varies in discrete steps rather than a smooth variation - and I don't know what is meant by angle dynamics. Any help on these?

    I'd like to put these togehter in a more coherent format. Arcana, you mentioned a module - you mean in a D&D style, or more a pdf with them all collated in the same document?

    Thanks everyone for all the praise on these. It's good to back over here and posting again.

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by torstan View Post
    Arcana mentioned shape and angle dynamics for pens. I can get the jitter working, however sizing the pen with pressure seems to be a little broken in gimp - it varies in discrete steps rather than a smooth variation - and I don't know what is meant by angle dynamics. Any help on these?
    He was talking photoshop.

    In GIMP, pressure works for me...I can set it for size, opacity (and colour for drawing tools, and hardness for the paintbrush tool) or any combination. What is your tablet and what is the GIMP version? (I can check my setup later when at my tablet...)

    The only tool that supports angle (the angle the pen is held at to the tablet) is the Ink tool.

    -Rob A>

  6. #16
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Okay, so I have a Wacom Graphier4 running under XP with Gimp2.4.5. When I use the brush tool and set the pressure setting to size I get the following result:


    Notice that the pen resizes in steps rather than smoothly. I've had a short Google for it, but got no results. Just wondered if anyone here knew of this/had a workaround?

    After you mentioned the Ink tool I have gone away, found it for the first time and had a play. Okay, now I am sold. That's great! I can't believe I had missed it for all this time. Thanks.

  7. #17


    I guess I get the same with a hard edged brush. I normally use a soft brush, so don't notice the steps, but they are there. Playing with the brush sensitivity in the Wacom panel seems to make a difference.

    -Rob A>

  8. #18
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Okay. I didn't think of that and now feel daft. Thanks (as ever) for the tip

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