That is a very interesting style! Are you using your own brushes/stamps?
-Rob A>
Taking the lessons learned from the tutorials and advice given to others I decided it was time to get the opinion of all the fine folks here.
I guess this is WIP as that I haven't decided where I will be putting the villages and points of interest.
The Continent is has a few distinguished areas:
The Western Slope (gently climbing grass covered dunes to the hill)
The Great Divide (and The Great Forests of the Deep Valleys),
The Death Lands (or know as the Valleys of Hell)
The Midlands (or The Great Wheatbasket),
The Eastern Hills, (low hills that keep the rising of the Deep at bay)
The Deep Everglades, (with the Lake of Bottomless Depth in the Heart of it)
and the Plagued South.
I am learning to use Gimp and have not figured out how to layer so that the borders and edges look sharper yet. In order to keep the map manageable it is only 1000X1000.
Last edited by Drakecoinus; 01-24-2012 at 06:24 AM.
That is a very interesting style! Are you using your own brushes/stamps?
-Rob A>
My tutorials: Using GIMP to Create an Artistic Regional Map ~ All My Tutorials
My GIMP Scripts: Rotating Brush ~ Gradient from Image ~ Mosaic Tile Helper ~ Random Density Map ~ Subterranean Map Prettier ~ Tapered Stroke Path ~ Random Rotate Floating Layer ~ Batch Image to Pattern ~ Better Seamless Tiles ~ Tile Shuffle ~ Scale Pattern ~ Grid of Guides ~ Fractalize path ~ Label Points
My Maps: Finished Maps ~ Challenge Entries ~ My Portfolio:
I would rough up the coast a bit since it looks a little too smooth. The water could use some texture too. I only have experience with photoshop, not gimp, so I can't really tell you how to do those thing though. I'm sure someone else here can.
I made the Mountains, hills and tree brushes. I then used the fill bucket to fill in the white sides. The trees are basically re-sized versions of the same one. The generic Ivy brush I discovered worked perfect for around the eastern hills and I decided to use them to tie in the tress to the back ground color.
I used the confetti brush with about 4 shades of green, 4 blue and two browns to create the everglades, actually started off as a accident (button stuck on mouse while I was away from the laptop) but when I looked at it from a the far view I though it looked kinda cool so I kept going with it varying the color layers.
I tried several different things for the death lands but found with turning down the opacity of the dried mud bucket fill that it gave the appearance I was looking for. Wish I could remember how I did the north west grass lands because I like how they came out. The rest of the grasslands I used the sand dune brush with varied colors trying to create the "waves of grain" feel.
Yeah, like Rob said, you've got an interesting style here. I also agree with Thesslian, that the water could use a bit of texture. Assuming that the water and land are on separate layers, you could always insert a new texture layer between the land and the sea, fill it with one GIMP's default water textures (or some other water texture you've found), turn down the opacity a bit and see what you think. Regarding the coastline, you could always add a thin black stroke around the land to help better partition it off from the ocean. Finally, I like your creative hill stamps, but one thing I noticed is that they tend to stick out somewhat from the surrounding landscape. Gidde has posted a tutorial which offers some advice on how to better blend stamps into the surrounding landscape, you might have a look at it. Otherwise, nice job on your first map!
Some how I did something when I saved the original to a jpeg to share it here I lost my working copy of the map. So I decided to start working on a redue if you will.
I like the way the water has turned out and I think I am going to settle for it for now. My next goal goal will be to put in some of the land features.
BEFORE the river police jump on it... the water ways on the map are deep enough for larger ships. The east side of the Southwest corner is going to be a swampy area with channels deep enough for those ships to go through, I wanted to make sure I the main the channels were on my major ocean level.
oh this time I am double and triple saving my files before I turn it to a jpeg so I hope I can keep from having to redue it again![]()