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Thread: Need map - PLEASE HELP

  1. #1

    Help Need map - PLEASE HELP

    Okay, so I am in desperate need of a map with this style -----> help me.jpg (C) to original owner, however! I would like it more zoomed in than that. What I mean by this is not size but that is shows more landmarks rather than just the land itself { ie. Showing a wrecked ship and some large boulders and a pier }. I would love for the map to go AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to this layout but more zoomed in { this time I am reffering to the size. I know, complicated } -----> 10[1].pdf (C) to meh! Now I should probably explain the layout so you understand a little better yes? Okay. The 't' shaped object in the bottom right corner is a pier, the long jagged line that stretches out to sea is a jetty {next to the pier}. The half circle attached to the jetty is VERY IMPORTANT. It is a hill ( with sand not grass ) that cuts short. So instead of being able to go downhill on the other side of the circle there is a cliff that drops off into the ocean. ( To express the cliff I have made what looks like a jetty surrounding the half circle if you can see it.) Now. The contents of the half circle. There is a bunch of irregular circles with shaded spots on each one. Those are boulders with hollowed out insides. ( So basically, mini caves ) The shaded spots are indeed, the entrances. The AMT of boulders and their positioning is VERY IMPORTANT. Now the boulder at the top-center of the half circle has a dead tree next to it. Also VERY IMPORTANT. Hmm lets see. Oh yes! The sand. The space between the left corner ( which I will explain in a min. ) and the half circle is almost just like a regular beach. Simply sand. Now the thing in the middle of the ocean, is a wrecked ship. ( I hope that was obvious, because I drew this : p ) Please do not put the wrecked ship further out in the sea. If anything, place it closer to land, even if it is halfway in the sand and halfway in the water it would be better than further out in the ocean.NEXT- The left corner is complicated. So there is a path from the beach going uphill to a forest. The spikey things on the side of the hill and surrounding the forest are more rocky cliffs. The forest is kinda dark, erie, dead, and kinda foggy. It would be REALLY cool if you could put fog surrounding dead burned trees, but thats just an extra. Now If you are uncertain about ANYTHING pleaseee pleassee consult me so I can help futher your understanding. IF you need to make ANY adjustments pleasee pleasssse consult me. And there is no need to lable anything, I am fine with just the map. Now I know what you're thinking. This person is asking for ALOT of stuff and seems very picky and she isn't even offering any money for it, not to mention the fact she obssesively CAPS things wayy to much. Well urr... that is true, but I can offer you my graditude and put in a good word to anyone for you. I am not really sure how things work around here as far as that goes but I really really want this map and if anyone would be kind enough to help me I would greatly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much!

  2. #2
    Guild Artisan LonewandererD's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    I believe the creator of this map was Ascension, anyone feel free to correct me on this, if you want something in this style you're best dropping a message to him and maybe negotiating from there

    People come and people go. I walk amongst them, I see their faces; but none see mine. I pass them in the streets but nary a glance is spared my way, for what interest would they have in a Wanderer? Not of this world... Forever Alone... Forever Wandering... LoneWandererD...

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  3. #3


    Oh ur, thanks. I suppose I should mention that I am new to this site, so I am not allowed to PM anyone till I make 5 posts in a thread. But when I posted that pic of the map I was just trying to give an example of what I would like it to be similar to. I was just trying to show that I wouldn't prefer a black and white layout or graphic, but a map. If anyone could do something like the first 5 maps on the slideshow on the homepage, they would be accomplishing what I mean by 'this style'. Sorry, I should've specified that.
    Last edited by Roanoke; 07-31-2012 at 12:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Professional Artist Cunning Cartographer's Avatar
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    Feb 2012


    Now sure it doesn't hurt to ask, but asking for "something like the first 5 maps on the slideshow on the homepage, they would be accomplishing what I mean by 'this style' " then I'm going to let you know now that you shouldn't hold your breath. The ones on the homepage (albeit it's a now defunct system as the admins don't have the time to keep updating, so they've been there a while) are some of the best maps the community has had to offer and they have generally taken a hell of a lot of time.

    Honestly, I think the reality is that if you have set the bar at that level then no one is going to meet your expectation or be willing to put in the kind of effort needed for that kind of quality as a freebie.

    Most people who pick up the unpaid jobs are either looking to improve their style/skills or might have a little free time to knock something together; not the labors of love you see on the front page. So if you can lower your expectations then you might be in with a shot, but if you want something that is as jaw droppingly beautiful as the homepage maps then you are in for a long wait

    Oh, and welcome to the community!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Yospeck View Post
    albeit it's a now defunct system as the admins don't have the time to keep updating, so they've been there a while
    Just because it's true doesn't make it hurt less

    Coming out of the summer things should get a bit better with choice map updates....

    -Rob A>

  6. #6
    Professional Artist Cunning Cartographer's Avatar
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    Haha Tried to take the sting out of it Rob. Just regurgitating what I saw in one of your posts a little while back when someone asked how to get on the front page.

    I look forward to the new maps so that "The Butcher.." map stops taunting me with its awesomeness.

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