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Thread: Ruined neighbourhood

  1. #1
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Map Ruined neighbourhood

    This is just a big battlemap used for playing Mordheim on a virtual game table. It uses a variety of other people's elements and some of my own. Sadly I stopped working on it and just dragged in a bunch of rooftops to fill in the rest, but perhaps it will be useful for anyone wanting to run a large urban encounter. I have a higher quality version as well as the .psd file but they is too large to post here. Let me know if you would like either of those things and I'll figure out a way to do it.

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  2. #2


    I would love to get a copy of your higher res image. I'd even take your psd file and maybe add some of the buildings if I get the time.

  3. #3
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
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    How did you do your roads? They look really great.

  4. #4
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    First, Oryan77, here's the higher quality jpg which I've stored at Large Battlemaps. The .psd file is on Dropbox : Hopefully that will work. I've had a drop box account for ages and never used it. Just a note that, while some of the stuff in the map was built by me (like the roads) I use textures and objects from a variety of sources, mostly the Dundjinni forums and something I downloaded ages ago which I think is called the CSUAC. I also have some of Bogie's roofs in there! So while I'm happy to share the file, just keep in mind that much of it wasn't made by me.

    Jacktannery, I'm really glad you like the roads. I've been admiring your work in your Big Castle thread.

    It was a bit of a process to get the roads but the final result was close to what I was going for originally. I was tired of using a tiled texture to represent roads because it always just looked like someone had just cleared some dirt off of a big cobblestone floor. I wanted the roads to look like they were built, so I made them more... directional. However the process is a bit software dependent. I used both Photoshop and Illustrator (CS4, yes I'm behind the times), starting with building a custom brush in Illustrator, laying out all the roads for my map in an AI document, and then copying them into Photoshop for further work (like getting the grass to mostly grow in the cracks). If you're interested I'll keep track the next time I do it and post my workflow in the How-To forum.
    Edit: I make it sound like it's a big complicated thing, but it's not really, this was just my first go at the process so it was a learning experience.

    Last edited by Meshon; 04-24-2013 at 12:03 AM.

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
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    Thanks for explaining Meshan. That's a great skill you have there; I would not be able to do that at all. I'm sure that tutorial would be very helpful for lots of poeple, though I am not sure if I would be able to replicate it. Still, I'd give it a try; I've wanted to learn how to make roads like that for some time, and yours are absolutely perfect.

  6. #6


    It's interesting to peak into someone else's .psd file and see how they created their graphics. You pretty much constructed the entire background from scratch. Nice job and thanks for the files.

  7. #7
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Happy to share the file. It's a bit of a mess, I didn't check it before I uploaded so there might be some layers that aren't used in the final flattened image. I agree though, that it's interesting to see how other people build their maps. Sadly I had to flatten the building layer as I went, the file getting a bit large.

    Hopefully this afternoon I will start on a post explaining the roads!


  8. #8


    I like it very mush, the textures are in very good resolution. But i think its a bit light and shadows poor

  9. #9
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmarilloQL View Post
    I like it very mush, the textures are in very good resolution. But i think its a bit light and shadows poor
    Thank you! You know I'm glad you mention the shadows. Most of my map work is about making objects rather than full maps such as individual buildings. I do this because it's quite versatile and I can combine the objects in a number of ways to make different maps. However, when doing that I find it better to avoid much in the way of light and shadow because I can quickly run into a problem when the light and shadow on various objects don't match as I put them together. But now that I'm building set maps I will definitely have to put some work into such things! Thanks for pointing it out.


  10. #10
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    I finally got a tutorial made for the cobblestones, in the Tutorials section of the forums:

    Feedback is welcome and appreciated, and I hope it may be useful.


    Edit: I see that I actually got the link to the tutorial to show up in my signature, so here's to here's to redundancy!

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