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Thread: Looking for RPG Grass terrian

  1. #1
    Guild Novice
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    Default Looking for RPG Grass terrian

    I am new here. I can not PM anyone until I make 5 posts. So I will go ahead with posting what I am looking for. Not sure if I can get it done here; due to it is not a map. It is just warhammer's grass terrain texture along with some sand/dirt for a road on the grass. Here is a link to an image that will give you the color grass I am looking for. I do not want the fort seen in this image. Just the grass and sandy road. That sandy road in the image could be more of a brown color, like the second image link below.

    GameMastery Flip-Mat: Bandit Outpost

    There is a person name Johs on here that already has a grass image close to what I am looking for. Here is a link to his work. But I do not want any square lines or any lines at that matter on this image. I like his color sand better than the link above. But I like the grass look better on the link above than this one below. This one below seems fuzzy to me and the sand look is fuzzy looking too. But this image below is almost setup for want I want. Meaning I just want grass texture with some dirt roads. We can talk more about the size and where the roads go, if I can find some one here to do this for me.

    I was going to pm Johs about this, but I can't. So I went ahead with this post.

    P.S not sure if I can even get a pm, if I can not send one. I will see if I can turn my email on to get a hold of me. Or you could just reply..

  2. #2
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    I know you're trying to explain exactly what you want, but I'm not really sure I get it.

    You want me to take my grassy map, remove the grid, take the gamemastery link'ed map, somehow extract the 'grass color' and apply it to my map, so you have a map with the right grass and sand color, and save it, and email it to you?

    How about I just leave these images here, and you can edit the grass color to your liking :

    These images are ©Arcknight but you can do what you will for private usage.


  3. #3
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    PS, my bandit fort is better than theirs =D

  4. #4
    Guild Novice
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    Hi Johs,

    Thanks for getting back to me. Sorry for the confusion.

    What I was trying to say was that I like the grass texture better on that image link I put up. I thought maybe you can make another grass texture like that one. Your grass texture looks fuzzy to me or something. If this is the only grass texture you can do, then I will move on.

    Also I was asking for you to put it all together for me, rather than just giving me the grass texture. Here is a BASIC layout of what I want put together with the right grass texture and sand texture. This is a new layout then what I said above. I rather not have a road go from fort to fort. I rather have one road going down the middle seen in the link below.

    The black outlines would not be in the image and of course the grass and road would blend in together like your image above, but located in a different place. I would not be able to place the road/sand to blend in with the grass by myself. I would need a designer to do this for me.

    If you are up for it, you could go ahead and setup your grass texture and sand with the same layout as that basic image link above to see how it all looks together. I am looking the other grass texture right now do to it looks more sharper than yours.

    Thank you,

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
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    tonyj, it isn't clear what you need the grass texture for - is it just for you or are you going to try and sell it? If its just for your own non-commercial project perhaps you can use some of this map here, which is unfinished. I made this river as part of a larger battlemap commission that fell through but the grass part is pretty ok, though it might be the wrong colour for you. I could probably find the old file with the grass without the river; I recall I had made a dirt path too but I'm not sure where that will be now.


  6. #6
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    Hi Tonyj, the problem here is that what you asking for is actually a lot of work. We spent a few hours making that grass texture, so to simply "remake it" would probably take another 15-30m of fiddling, and when were busy its a task that actually slows down what I'm currently working on.

  7. #7
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    My answer may sound cheap but it's probably what I would do to have something with the least effort.

    1- Use a tutorial like this one
    2- use premade texture like the tileset of rpg maker and minecraft. Some texture pack have a resolution of 256x256 or even more.

  8. #8
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    Jacktannery, Wow!! That looks real nice. Would that grass texture and river look that good after printing it out on a 18 inch X 35 inch sheet to play on? Yeah, I would rather have a dirt road than a river. Only thing about that grass is those white floors. Looks good, but I rather not have them. Are those floors just setup by the river? Meaning the rest of the grass will not have it?

    Jacktannery, my answer is yes and no to your question "is it just for you or are you going to try and sell it?". At first it is just for me to play a new game idea I am putting together. But I will be putting my game idea on a website, youtube and facebook in hopes people will support it to add value to it. Then maybe this will catch a toy company to work with me to sell this game idea in stores. So in other words, it will be used as a prototype. But it does not mean they will use the image. They might come up with whole different board setup. If they did use it, I would get back to you or who ever help me with it to give you some kind of money for it. In other words, I am up for paying people something for helping me out if this game takes off.

    Johs, your printed out grass texture sheet image link below is turning me off on your grass texture. But your grass texture image link above looks a lot better without the square lines over it. Do you think your grass texture and dirt road would look less fuzzy on a 18 inch X 35 inch sheet if we did not have those square lines over it? If so, then maybe your grass texture and dirt road would work.

    Now you said this would be a lot of work for changing the grass texture. I fully understand that. What if we use your grass texture and have you place the road 2 inches wide going down the middle of the 18 inch X 35 Inch grass texture image. Then put 4 inches of the same dirt texture at the two far ends of this grass texture image. Would this be a lot of work too? If not, then could you do this for me? I can paypal you some thing for doing it for me. I just said above what I am using it for. I hope you would be ok with that. Here is that BASIC layout image link again of what I want done.

    Azelor, I just read your reply. Yes, that is another idea I can look in to. Thanks for the suggestion.


  9. #9
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
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    tonyj, since you need it for a commercial project I would not want you to use my image posted above - its unfinished anyway so would look awful printed out.

    Since your map is only for a prototype I strongly recommend you follow Azelor's advice above - no point shelling out money at this stage of your project if you don't have to. However, if you are a bit odd and prefer to pay then I am sure johs or myself would agree to make your map exactly how you want it. If you want to commission (pay) me to make your map for you please email me at 'my username'-at-yahoo-dot-ie and we'll discuss it. Note that there is an entire sub-forum for requesting map commissions on cartographer's guild here Mapmaking Requests

  10. #10
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    Jacktannery, I am all about "First Impression". I do not have a lot of funds. But I hope to have enough founds to put this together like I want.

    Johs, I feel your grass texture looks a lot better without those squares on it. Also your road looks good too without those squares on it. Before I move on, I would like to know if Johs has time to put his grass texture and road texture laid out like this basic layout image link below for me? If not, then I guess I have to move on.

    If I am going to move on, then here are some new links I found to give people an idea what we can do to put this together.

    Here is a better link of the grass texture I am looking for. But I would not want the square lines over it.

    If I can not find some one to put together the same grass texture in the link above, then here is another link to a photo website where I can buy the grass texture image. This grass texture link below is a little lighter than what I want, but maybe the designer can darken it with their program. Then all I would need is for a designer to place a dirt road and two dirt areas on this grass texture image. The layout would be setup like the basic layout image link above without the black boarder lines and would all be blended in together.

    Grass Texture Stock Photos, Grass Texture Stock Photography, Grass Texture Stock Images :

    I guess it cost $29.00 for two images on that website. The other image I could buy is the dirt/sand image for the road and dirt area. If so, I was thinking this sand image below.

    Sand Texture Stock Photos, Sand Texture Stock Photography, Sand Texture Stock Images :

    Again, maybe this might be to bright too. But I am sure we could darken it a little with the program a designer uses.

    P.S Could an admin here move this topic to the Mapmaking Requests section. Thx

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