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Thread: Castle Jacktannery

  1. #1
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Dublin, Ireland

    Default Castle Jacktannery

    This is a series of encounter maps I created for myself as a personal challenge. It had intended to do a full set of interior maps to go with it, but I found myself very busy so this is mostly external. I started this in October 2012 and now, almost a year later, I'm calling it done. There are quite a lot of errors (in particular with the shadows) but I'll never fix them all. The WIP thread is here: and has some of the objects as transparent-backed pngs.

    My intention was to create a series of fun encounter areas in a fantasy castle with a terrain backdrop I could swap out (forest/ice/tundra/mountain etc.) as required. I wanted encounters to include a dramatic bridge to the castle; courtyards in front of a keep with towers and battlements; secret entrances and terrifying walkways suspended by dangerous ropes; a wizard's tower; a dungeon; a chapel with buttresses overhanging a cliff; and a sally port with a cliff-side staircase/back entrance. I never did the dungeon but I managed to depict the rest, I think.

    I decided to use shadows to depict the fantasy-castle I had envisaged. This can be seen on the chapel map and in the front courtyard - the main keep's shadows are based on the fantastic Disneyland Sleeping Beauty castle.

    My favourite map is the one of the inside of the chapel - I based it on a real cathedral in Italy and I think it looks like a lovely jewel-box.

    I made almost everything myself on GIMP except the well (no ref!) and fountain (no ref!). The round tower roofs are a modified version of a roof by Kegron in 2004 (no link!) and (no ref!), and the house roofs are by Aegean 2007 (Dundjinni Mapping Software - Forums: House, roof, tavern - variations). For the stable interior I used hay by Bludragn 2005 (Dundjinni Mapping Software - Forums: Hay or straw anyone), bales by cdenham 2006 (Dundjinni Mapping Software - Forums: Bales or bundles) and a wooden column by Greytale 2006 (Dundjinni Mapping Software - Forums: Art request). For the interior of the small office I used some generic furniture from the Dundjinni forums (no ref!). [reminder - go back and find links and refs]

    All the map sections (apart from the reduced overview map) are uploaded here at a scale of 100 pixels = 1 inch = 1 grid square, ie 100ppi or 100dpi and were created using the Gimp. All maps are for non-commercial use only. If someone wants to add a grid to any of these maps follow these instructions:

    1) download the GIMP for windows or mac at GIMP - Downloads
    2) use it to open the required map below.
    2.5) [optional - advanced] make a new transparent layer OVER the current layer and select it.
    3) FILTERS > RENDER > PATTERN > GRID to open the grid dialogue box.
    4) Change SPACING to 100 pixels X and 100 pixels Y. Change OFFSET to 0 x and 0 y; choose a good colour - eg. black. Press OK.
    4.5) [optional - advanced] if the grid is on its own layer as per step 2.5, you can lower the opacity or delete part of it.
    5) Export your image to a JPG or PDF and print it out with a grid!

    Overview (not to scale)

    Last edited by Jacktannery; 08-11-2013 at 04:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Dublin, Ireland




    Main Gate


    Main Entrance Courtyard

    Courtyard A10.jpg

    Stable Yard - External View & Internal View

    CourtyardB(externa).jpg CourtyardB(internal).jpg

    Wizard's Tower

    Last edited by Jacktannery; 08-11-2013 at 05:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Dublin, Ireland


    Chapel - exterior and interior maps

    NewChapel Courtyard.jpg NewChapel Courtyard2.jpg

    Main Keep

    Keep roof.jpg

    Sally Port and cliffside staircase behind main keep

    Behind Keep map.jpg

    Walkways from extramural tower - exterior and interior maps

    Walkways.jpg WalkwaysInt.jpg
    Last edited by Jacktannery; 08-11-2013 at 05:01 PM.

  4. #4


    Great work ! I like your maps

    Just one question : it s twice the exterior map for the walkways as i see. I've read you didn't have the time for all interior, but you put 2 links, so perhaps an error when uploaded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacktannery View Post

    Walkways from extramural tower - exterior and interior maps

    Walkways.jpg WalkwaysInt.jpg

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
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    Dublin, Ireland


    Thank you for your response Jeudi. Actually there is a different - take another look. If you zoom right in the central tower you will see I depicted it with the roof off, showing where the rope-bridge-walkways connect to a platform, then a ladder down to the floor and stairs up to the battlements.

  6. #6

    So sorry, yes i see it now, i was expecting the inside of the external tower so i didn't look really on the rest of the map !

  7. #7
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
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    Dublin, Ireland


    No problem - I was going to do the tower inside but just never got around it and way too busy now until at least february, which is why I decided to cut my losses and just post what I had.

  8. #8
    Guild Novice
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    Sep 2013


    Such amazing work. I have been a fan of your D&D module conversions. Thanks for doing such spectacular maps!

  9. #9


    AWESOME MAP !!!........... Did anyone ever add a grid to this map? and can I have a copy? .......Please?

  10. #10
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
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    Dublin, Ireland


    Thanks drgnpnts and Cyderak. It's easy to add the grids yourself. I'm happy to do it on one or two of the maps if you tell me which ones you want.

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