There are several folks here who do a lot of hand-drawn work. Try doing a search on "hand drawn" you should get a decent response back.
Does anyone here draw maps by hand?? I was hoping to look at hand drawn maps that I could study.
There are several folks here who do a lot of hand-drawn work. Try doing a search on "hand drawn" you should get a decent response back.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
My pencil has no Control-Z.
(And no, my eraser doesn't work that way. I wish it did!)
Venus Public Transit, Map Of Ceres, Jack Vance's Ports Of Call & Lurulu ... why do I only have 3 maps here?
I hand draw my maps, in the sense that I use a tablet and Gimp. I do a little concept work with a pencil and paper, but mostly it is done in the computer.
The person here who does the most actual hand drawn work is Delgondahntelius. He's written a tutorial on it here:
There was a thread a while back where several of us who now use computer-aided techniques posted old hand drawn maps.
Bryan Ray, visual effects artist
I'd say half to one third of my maps are hand-drawn to start with - usually are digitally enhanced for color, bump or bevel and shadows, after I scan them in. Of course I do strictly digital maps as well. It really depends on what kind of map I need and turn-around. Hand-drawn work takes more time.
Some of my very illustrative digital only designs take me little over an hour to create. But if I want a personal style or a more archaic look - I hand-draw.
Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
DrivethruRPG store
Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations
My Finished Maps
Works in Progress(or abandoned tests)
My Tutorials:
Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
yea...i hand drew all my maps...i only have a 2 of my planets for my project as CGI, all the others i've done by hand...but only one of them is scanned:
I have hundreds of hand-drawn maps from the campaigns I ran prior to good graphics editing software appearing on the computer.
Someday, I should get all of those maps out and scan them into a database.
I also occasionally paint my campaign maps. I should find a way to get those into the computers well.