Here we are: step 1 complete. I think.
FT wanted to put a bazillion rivers, which I think is pretty unrealistic given the size they'd all be. That's fine, I'll only put in the ones I want/need later.
This is just the raw terrain with the rivers added. Next I'll trace the continents in vector format and begin drafting the climate pattern. Then I'll add back the rivers as, and where, I deem appropriate.
It's a smallish version of the map, compressed nastily.
You might also notice the crazy vertical ditch into which lots of the rivers insist on falling; it's about midway or slightly left of center. I'm just going to pretend that's not there. It wouldn't edit away.
Can anybody give me some constructive advice on the terrain itself, logic etc? I began trying to draft out plate movement and my eyes started crossing, so I winged it basically.
The small continent on the left right above the equator (the blob-shaped one) is the actual subject of the current campaign. The Northeastern segment of that continent, anyway. I had to edit the terrain to account for the writing that's already been done; to my eye it looks a little foolish to have two mountain chains so close together there, but the Western one is much taller and the Eastern one is more Appalachian. It's actually a pretty big distance too, as the continent's widest point is around 1,800 miles. There's a desert going to happen to the east of the Western mountain chain so some of the rivers in that area won't be there. The north-flowing river that comes from the Eastern mountains is very important, as is the one that flows south-southeast from the same area, other side of the mountains.
I'm going to work on two things after the climate is done: the world map, which will be fun and ornate, and the continent map, which likewise. But the continent map will be more important and immediately useful to me.