In regards to the potential Papyrus debate: Papyrus is a bad font choice due to its overuse and that is why designers will pick on you if you use it. Now, Papyrus isn't an ugly font, it's just that because it was a good looking font people started using it... a LOT... for things it wasn't intended for, where it's intended for a specific mood and design and for decoration. Now, for all I usually don't like the font, I think it looks all right for the building labels here (though I do believe there are better choices) but it doesn't look good at all for the 'Village of' larger label text. I'd really use another font there.

I prefer the idea of text labels myself, to numbers, because numbers involve going back and forth to a key. Text labels clarify things better. I would definately kill unnecessary 'the's and consider putting a background behind each label, in comic book fashion, to make them clearer to read. I realize this will cover some of your art but your goal here is to have it convey information, after all, and if that information is contained on the art you need to make sure it's easy to read--a glow behind or outline will help that.

I agree with this:
I don't like keys. If I have to put work into figuring out what things are, i'm more likely to skip over them. Then again that's from a purely viewing perspective - from a gamemastering perspective they have their uses, but even then I would find myself jotting notes on the map itself so i didn't have to go look things up again.
Your map style is great, though! Beautiful artwork. I love the angle and the paths and the trees and the water and the lighting and oh, just everything! It's like a painting. But also a map! Beautiful.