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Thread: [taken][unpaid]Working of first Fantasy novel, would apreciate help

  1. #11


    Fast reply, see my edit to the post above. If you have photoshop, then I really recommend you do his tutorial as you will then get the map exactly how you want.

  2. #12


    Sure though, I would be glad to be your "guinea pig" for his Tut. Lol, I will try it out too though, but yours will prolly be better, as I am not very good with design and stuff... Thanks!

  3. #13


    I need it to be about 120 miles per inch if any one accepts. With a over all size as 3700 miles across and 1440 miles tall.
    Is that really the size you need (poster)?

    That would be a 31x12" map. Depending on the resolution (200DPI minimum for print) that is a 6200x2400 image, which is fairly large.

    If for a book, I would think page size might be better. The only reason I point this out is because things like labels that look good at one scale may be unreadable at a different scale.

    -Rob A>

  4. #14


    Of course, you are right. Perhaps any one wishing to make this map should change the mile per inch, as I was not good at adding it up, and only used the numbers in my head. You are the map makers...make it the size you feel fits best.

  5. #15


    Hi Cag, I've taken a look at the sketch you have posted in the original post and am a little confused. Am I right in thinking that Galtilth and Palamoor, Magna, Arnakoi Ailforth and Narsik are cities? If so then the sketch encompasses quite a small geographical area, but you are after a map of the entire world?

    If you could give me a more detailed explanation of the scale then that would be appreciated.

  6. #16


    Well, Its more like half the world. Yes, they are cities though...

    How to explain this.....I probably did a horrible job on the sketch, the scale is all screwed up. At a rough estimate, I would say 2 cm, should be 50 miles, or 10 cm 250 miles with a total width of 5750 miles. I hate to say it, but I have no idea how to explain this, and to be honest while it may sound harder, it would probably be easier for you to space it out as needed. For sure though, I would like these kinds of distances.
    Last edited by cag123; 12-12-2009 at 09:08 AM.

  7. #17


    This might be easier if I did a sketch of what I think you're after so that we're clear before I start doing the work in ernest.

    Might be a day or this space.

  8. #18


    Cool, no problem. Thanks for doing this so much though.

  9. #19


    We have a little difficulty here:

    Your reference pic is supposed to be about 2,800 miles across. If you look at the first image, you can see the consequences of this are that your large cities are about 90,000 square miles in area. It may be easier if you approach from the point of view of some typical distances:

    Metropolitan New York is about 3,000 square miles (i.e. about 54 miles by 54 miles). This makes your largest cities the equivalent of 30 New Yorks.

    I think it may be easier if you didn't get hung up on the scale without some form of reference. Try this:

    Go to Google Earth and take a screenshot of an area. Note the scale. You now have a fairly good idea of what you can see and can't see at that scale. For example if you want to fit the entire world onto your computer screen, the cities are going to be the size of dots.

    Have a look at the second image I've posted. I've shrunk your reference pic to a length of about 560 miles.

    What you might want to do is to go onto google and download a map of the US (I'm assuming you're from the US) and use that as a template so you have a rough idea about how big stuff is.


    Attached Images Attached Images

  10. #20


    Okay, I should have been more clear on this, the dark red line represents a country or kingdom, while the light red means a city.

    As for the problem you mentioned, let me just give you an idea of how big things should be and such...

    Mount Gibs, should be 150 miles from the black lake. Palamoore should be about 20 miles from the lake. Does that give you a better idea of what the scale should be?

    Problems do arise on how much you can see in the scale, perhaps just make the cities smaller, and then I can add smaller towns throughout the map later on by myself?

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