Hi guys
School holidays are coming to an end here so I will now have more time to dedicate to producing a map for my fantasy novel. I posted the early stages of my journey on another thread (Curse you! Curse you all!) but now I see this as a WIP so I thought I would post it here. Hope that's ok

Still trying to learn the techniques to produce the result I'm after. These are the things I've looked at so far:
Producing a more convincing coastline
Background textures
Compass roses
Coverting images to brushes in Photoshop and Pantshop Pro

Next things I will be working on will be:
Suitable border
Finished design for compass roses
Producing some drawings to convert into brushes for terrain and water
Choosing a really nice font
Converting my own script into a font
Designing heraldic symbols for various factions
Designing icons for cities, castles, armies etc
Plus a dozen things I haven't yet considered

I've already incorporated people's comments from the other threads so please keep them coming.

So here's the progression so far...
The World of Wrath.jpg

This was the first sketch I was working to
