I've lurked on these forums for years and years, picking up great tips and seeing amazing maps without ever actually posting anything, mostly because I start maps then never finish them.

I'm about to start running Paizo's PFRPG module "The Dragon's Demand" and wanted some 100px per square versions of the dungeons from the module, so I'm determined to post them here as I go along.

*** The following thread obviously contains SPOILERS to the module, please stop reading if you're going to be a player in this module! ***

This is a nearly finished WIP of the adventure's first dungeon, the basement of the "Collapsed Tower." I've set myself a target to have this map finished within another week, then move onto the next map.

I had a few false starts with this dungeon using GIMP, Inkscape and CC3 before settling on a style that I liked using CC3.

Collapsed Tower 3000px.jpg

Main dungeon floor texture is by Nejour.

Symbols are all from the Dundjinni forums or Greytale's Nook and are mostly by Greytale, Neyjour or Bogie.
I'll properly list and credit what I've used when I've finished the map and purged all the unused symbol definitions.

These are the things that I'm still working on:

I'm going to swap the beds in the barracks area for different symbols, the white mattresses look out of place and the beds need old blankets on them, due to the circumstances of the dungeon's abandonment.

The weird triangle artifacts that appear in places around the walls are caused by CC3's bevelling, they vanish if you have a plain (solid) fill underneath, but I forgot to update the underlying sheet before outputting the image file from CC3. I'll fix that in the next version that I post.

Similiarly the lighter grey 'outer' part of some of the walls is thicker in some places, that's because I forgot to tweak the darker part last time I adjusted the walls. So they'll be fixed next time as well.

The boulder piles are supposed to be stacked in three sheets, but at the moment they're only in two. I also need to tone down the shadows of the top boulder sheet - they're currently combining with the wall shadows and giving the appearance that the top set of boulders are floating in the air above the others.

The shadows from the top boulders plus the way that the bevels are shaded also make the cavern tunnel walls above the treasury look higher on the right than the left, so another reason to tone them down!

The multicolour shape in the central secret area is just a placeholder for now. I need to find or make a steampunky looking clockwork winch with "gears and chains." I haven't found a suitable map object yet, so I'll probably need to try and construct a suitable object using gears, chain, etc from the dundjinni forums.

The two large chambers in the dungeon that are currently bare need furnishing (and I forgot do add the door to the northeastern one).

I need to fix the split that appears in the large cavern walls between the smooth and non-smooth parts. I'll probably end up converting the smooth path into a non-smooth fractalised path, then a CORNER command will fix the spilt.

Because of the textures that I've used, I think the dungeon cells look cleaner than corridors thanks to Nejour's amazing tiles. So I'll probably try to grunge up the cells a bit more.

The pit trap (small room on the south corridor), will be hidden on the final map.

Any comments or advice are most welcome!

I've uploaded a 50px per square version of the map, which is still 3000x3000px. This is the first map I've posted, so I'm not sure what works and what doesn't, when I've finished I'll post the 100px version in the completed maps area.