Quote Originally Posted by Eskandare View Post
As I stated in the beginning, some elements are made by Jedicartographer and Armoredgear7, I believe that's their handles on here. It's their handles on the old the-holocron.com site. I give them equal credit in the design of my map. I know that both artists are on this forum and I am a huge fan of their works. I have a couple of their works hanging in my living room. None, that I know of, are from either of their commercial works. Other, elements and textures I extract from real life or reproduce to match the styling used in the film. As for SW: DoD, it was an adventure originally posted on the WoC website for the, now out of print, Star Wars Saga Edition RPG. These maps I made for myself to use in the adventure and themselves cannot be used in any commercial product. Especially without the permission of Christopher West, Josh Derksen, and myself. I posted them on here to share and get tips on improving my skills.
No you misunderstand. I know that you are using elements from other artists - and you are doing it really well. I applaud you and all the artists would be delighted to have their elements used in this way - that's what these forums are all about. I am not referring to your maps. I am referring to the maps you posted in your Post #3, which you said were the maps in the original adventure.