One key thing I always keep in mind now that I'm making a language of my own is >>practicality<<
By that I mean that I try to avoid all those "charrgborgolomthisisalongowrd" and such things. I do use the ' in a few words, but I only do that because I think it has a practical use.
Also, I try to make the language beautiful at the same time.
You are crafting a language? That is something that is far out of reach for me. Again I'm impressed. And contractions like Han'Keba really do make sense, insofar as words in another language can make sense, that is.

But you are really doing this full-out. One of the reasons why I think Tolkien was the father of modern fantasy is his around-the-board approach to everything fantastic. Language, Culture, Geography, History--It was all included in his works. And if you are following in somewhat of the same path I think you will reap some of the same rewards. Great job and I hope to be able to see the finished product.