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Thread: Gimp and two colored grid

  1. #1

    Default Gimp and two colored grid

    Is there a way to have a grid at 50px square be red and a grid at 10px square be black? The reason is I am using RobA's Dungeon Making Script to create some dungeons for a campaign I will be running and the first one I made was a pain as I was trying to get the 10px wide walls to line up correctly to the 50px grid and changing grid every other step.

  2. #2
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Dublin, Ireland


    I don't really understand this question, but I am familiar with GIMP. You know there are two separate grid tools in GIMP - I think you are I think referring to the grid in the view menu to align things and which does not show up in the finished drawing, not the RENDER-PATTERN-GRID tool ; but in this case why does the colour matter?

  3. #3


    Yes, I am referring to the View-->Grid menu. The color matters as I need the walls to lie on a 50px grid but have a 20px width. So when I import the jpg into MapTool the grid will align perfectly and when I apply VBL I will still see some of the wall. That is why I want the 10pc grid black and the 50px grid red to make it visually easier to see where to draw the rectangle select tool and fill with black.

  4. #4
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Dublin, Ireland


    Well I'm afraid I still don't understand - sorry, perhaps someone better can assist you. The only thing I can suggest is to use the render grid tool (filters>render>pattern>grid) to draw a 10 pixel by ten pixel grid on your drawing, then use it again to draw a 50x50 red grid over it, so you will have this. I'm sure that's not what you wanted though.


  5. #5


    That is exactly what I wanted. Now, if I apply those to my picture can I remove them later?

  6. #6
    Guild Artisan Jacktannery's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Dublin, Ireland


    Yes, however it depends. If you apply those to your picture in gimp on one or two new layers, and save the image as a jpg or png (which compresses all the layers into one layer) then you won't be able to undo; you have to save it in gimp format (xcf) which won't work with Maptool.

    You could save 2 versions of your map - one withe the grid and one without. Import gridded version into maptool; adjust the maptool grid to fit and add your vision-blocking layers, then import the clean map, align over the gridded one, and delete the gridded one; Voila!

  7. #7


    I did it a little differently. I made the two grids on different layers to use a guide in GIMP. Then when I went to save I turned off visibility of these layers. Thanks for the help as it works great for my needs. Although, I figured out I don't need to draw the walls using the rectangle select and then fill. I now just draw lines with the line tool using a 20px wide brush. This works well as I can snap to the grid line but the "wall" bleeds over the grid line which allows the players to see the "wall" after I lay down my VBL.

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