I like it! Very nice first effort.

You do have some river violations (not sure all of what i saw are violations because the lower right hand corner of your map is cut off and i can't really see what is going on there). Rivers very very rarely split downriver...usually they merge downriver with other rivers (ok, a lot of rivers in that sentence ). As an example of what i mean, look at the river that splits in your top right hand corner.
Also, lakes normally only have one outflow (see Ethlinn's Belly). And the river that outflows Ethlinn's Belly on the right side is another "splitting violation".

That's just on a first glance over your map.

I hope this is not discouraging...because as i said, this is a very nice start (and even the very talented members you pointed out at the start had those problems in the beginning...i even remember a PM exchange concerning this topic between a newbie named -Max- and myself ).