I came across an interesting blog on digital painting and art and read this post. A couple points that stuck in my head and seemed relevant here:
...discussions and arguments for and against each of these softwares run pages and pages and seem to have no end. With newer and better versions coming from both the commercial and open source, the argument just continues. Participating in these discussions, and also trying out different softwares, I have come to realize that these are just different tools, and an artist need not be too concerned about what they use as long as they can express their ideas and thoughts.

I have come to realize that all these different graphics software are just tools. A sculptor needs a set of chisels and hammer. It actaully does not matter which blacksmith fabricated them, as long as the sculptor can chip off the stone in the precise placec and precise amount. In the end - the sculpture is done by the sculptor - not the chisels and hammer. He or she just used them to create the sculpture.
The article is worth a read...

-Rob A>