I keep all my fonts all in a master Fonts folder (not in the windows folder) with subfolders according to font categories (script, grunge, techno, etc). The ones that I like I copy to the windows - font folder. Then I just open Photoshop, open the image, type in the word starting with the first font (! Pepsi !), and hit the down arrow until the font looks close, then copy the layer, hide the old one, and continue down the list of fonts. It took me about 90 minutes to go through the whole list and find these, set the size, spacing and what not. I had about 20 others picked out that fit the "feel" but these were the closest. The other thousands of fonts are mainly crap fonts that have screwed up kerning or leading or ones that are too similar to something already loaded. If I had every font possible I wonder what that number would be, probably near 30,000 I guess (so many dingbats), so I have about half of them.