For some reason, Richard Brautigan's book "In Watermelon Sugar" came to mind reading all this gorey detail ! There was iNBOIL telling everyone what iDEATH is all about all over again.
The blood needs to be fresh really, the scroll would probably be found on the Tin Man's body, secreted somewhere in his robes - and smearing could be part of it too I guess - from when it is extracted. The basics would be a scroll hidden away and bled on and trickled down inside between the rolls of the scroll. There wouldn't be spattering as such. You're right though, no blurring of the sort I have on it either. Bah! I'll have to check my layers... I don't normally use 'em and now you lot have me tinkering with that too!
Like some other unfortunates here, I cut myself only last weekend, with an axe no less. Went though the seam of my jeans, the top of my boot and my sock, but luckily only a short way into my foot. Mental notes to self - (a) don't use an axe again, get someone else to do it and (b) keep blood (you never know when...)
Sadly, when it comes to simulating any of this bloodletting all I have at home is frozen sausages and breaded fish, not too sure how the scanner is going to cope with that.