It may be that Cecil is belligerent but it may also be some entirely and reasonable reason like that he got permission from a number of the copyright holders on condition that he would not freely distribute it without some restrictions.
I've worked closely with Cecil for a few years now on the FM8 conversions of the CSUAC. To suggest that Cecil is belligerent is absolute nonsense. The symbols, objects, textures and fills in the CSUAC are the work and intellectual property of many people. These works are not in the public domain. The authors also did not release them under an open source license or anything similar. But they did give Cecil permission to distribute all of their work free to all of us under the CSUAC license, which is very liberal in terms of usage but restrictive in terms of redistributing the graphics in their original form as symbols, objects, textures and fills. When I think of the amount of unpaid time Cecil put into assembling and distributing this excellent collection, and the expenses he has occurred in doing so, seeing the word belligerent being associated with his name makes my blood start to boil a little.