Well, I'll keep going just to see what happens.

Create a new layer and call it “Sea Noise” Fill this with Clouds (Filters->Render->Clouds->Solid Noise) set to a low size (3) and detail of 15, reseeding the random number. Set the layer blend mode to mode to Overlay, then merge it down with the “Sea Shape” layer by right clicking on the layer and selecting “Merge Down”.
Got it. 'Sept it looks nothing like the example. At all.

Duplicate this layer and rename it “Sea”. Add a layer mask by right clicking on the “Sea” layer, and selecting “Add Layer Mask”. When the dialog opens, select “Channel” (By default it should have the “Land Mask” channel shown and check “Invert”. Click Add.
Okay. Need a right parenthesis after "shown."

Screen shot: http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/a.../layermask.jpg

The layer mask next to the layer thumbnail looks like Rob's. The layer thumbnail, of course, doesn't.

Quote Originally Posted by RobA View Post
Layer masks act like filters that let parts of the image “show though”. Areas where the mask is white will allow the layer to be visible. Areas where the mask is black will be transparent, and the various shades of grey will be varying degrees of transparency. Now right click on the “Sea” layer and select “Apply Layer Mask”. This will remove pieces of the layer based on what was showing through the layer mask. Here I have made all the other layers invisible to see the result:
Attachment 1440
Well, Rob's looks like what it supposed to. Mine looks like I spilled milk on the screen: http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/a...S/allwrong.jpg

Also, check out the histogram….that is where we start next.
And, I'm sure mine is all off, not that I even know what it does.

It's actually completely blank. Is that better or worse than 'U' shaped?

I'm done.