Post 6: Create the sea. (in the beginning...)

To make the ocean/water (and the base contour for the land as well) a two layer variant of the three layer sandwich will be used.
Copy the “Land Mask” Layer, and rename it “Sea Shape”. Apply a Gaussian Blur (Filter->Blue->Gaussian Blur) large enough to eliminate the absolute black and whites of the image. In this case, I used the same size as the image (500px).
I just don't know if I got this right at all. I don't think I even know what this means. I didn't have any absolute black in the image, and if both are "eliminated" that leaves nothing on my map...?

So, Rob made his blur amount the same as his map, so I guess I will too.

Okay. It's totally off. It's like, not even there. Rob's looks like this:

Mine looks like this:

Looks like I'm done until I get someone to pull me out...