I will write more this weekend. A question .... I can share the family tree I have done .... how do I load it to a this site? or am I allowed to email to guilld members ....

Untitled-1. by bhanain03 ... is a good example
With the ring there are about a half dozen main locations ..... all i get directly from the libretto verses and stage directions.
The locales are a mountain top where the gods assemble, a valley below through which the Rhine river flows (and the Rhinemaidens live)
across the valley on a mountain .... to the east ... is the fortress Valhalla .... also across the river and somewhat to the south is a forest
where the Giants live. We also have a rock / mountain top where Wotan places Brunnhilde. and We have a location further south
where the Gibichungs live .... at any rate I would do a very clear sketch. I would want something not too unlike what one sees for
Hobbit or Lord of the Rings Maps .... however I believe there should be fewer locales (there are gorges, caves as well). .... and very
clear. I could actually sequence the major actions of the opera from site to site.

I am not in a hurried mode on this ... probably wanting to complete this in about a year. I am not in a position to pay any significant

I hope this helps for now.