GeoTerSys is a very heavy app and totally geared up for terrain so theres not much room for anything else left in it. It works by running a terrain simulation with a simple fluid dynamics thing on top to do water & ice etc.

Something that I have been thinking about for a long time is a system where you input the terrain including trees and rock areas etc and run another simulation on top where occasionally people are spawned randomly into it. These people have lots of state but their motivation is to raise their wealth and happyness and they have many options to do it. Fish, cut wood etc. All the activities cost a small amount of wealth. So for example a man near trees can take them and cut them for more wealth giving a surplus of lumber. Another can take lumber and convert into carts and houses so that he transfers wealth to the lumberjack etc. Sort of like Civilization but in auto play mode. You also want monsters of various types with their stats and their goals too otherwise you would not get militia, armies and adventurers.

I wondered how complex and how many rules you would need in order to get the system to generate towns & dungeons and also provide a full stat sheet of all the people and monsters living in it.

ViewingDale is a few years old and is very stable. Theres a few more things id like to add to it but its good to go now. Its the viewer, and editor for these places. GTS is in beta and is designed to provide the major terrain and land for ViewingDale. Maybe the next stage will be to try to autogen the stuff thats on top of the land. Its yet another really big project. Each of these take several years to write. ViewingDale is probably 6 years old now. GTS is not finished and is one and a half and counting. This autociv would be done no earlier than 2011. I have seen some people do a similar thing but not on the scale that I would like to do it at.