Just an update since its been well over a week now (a month actually)...

I've tinkered with worldKit quite a bit, but don't have anything complex written up as its a fairly simple application to work with and configure. I'm not sure I'll get around to writing up a more complex tutorial as the worldKit site is fairly well documented for anyone with some basic coding familiarity to figure out.

1) Extract the worldKit zip file to a directory (for the purpose of this tutorial we'll use worldKitDir as the directory name.

2) You need to load your map file into zoomify so that it can be processed into layered images for various zoom levels.

3) Copy the directory containing your images into the same directory as the worldKit files you are working on for my example I have used worldKitDir/map_images.

4) Open config.xml in a text editor.

5) Change the value of "displaytype" to "zoomify".

6) Add the following code to the file or modify it as the case might be:
7) Specify the height and width of the flash object you intend to use on your HTML page. This directly affects the scaling inside of the flash object. I recommend keeping the flash object sized to the same dimension ratio as the base map itself.

If you intend to add points onto your map to mark various items, I recommend also adding the following to config.xml as otherwise the descriptions will appear as soon as the map loads for a default amount of seconds.

This all in mind, I've been evaluating OpenLayers (reverse engineered and expanded version of Google Maps) for use at by the company I work for and found it has similar functionality, but is much more complex than most of you might find a use for and to my knowledge (still learning it so I could be wrong) doesn't support the zoomified images that reduce bandwidth usage if you have a massive map and won't be viewing the whole thing.