I've just started with CC3. I've been watching the videos by Joe Sweeney and pretty much doing what he is doing. They have helped a lot. It really helps to see an example of of something. I followed the step by step on making text along a curve in the manual. Some stuff I am currently trying to wrap my head around are: How should I be using the "default sea" option? I tired two colors, but I am having trouble with the "Bring to Front" and "Send to back buttons". Not working as expected. More details on the effects with examples of how the master use them are very useful. Glow is fantastic! I followed the instructions in the manual to create my own symbol set from PNG files, but now I want some hints on how to search for symbols, add custom buttons (that bring up my catalogs). I am also wondering if I can make a river line get wider as it gets closer to the mouth, and make it blend better with the bay. I am also a bit confused on how they organized symbols. I was building a battle map and had to hunt around for the trees. I kept saying to myself they gotta have trees... What about a dead tree.....hmmmm no luck so far. I have also seen some kick ass maps that blend a pavement with grass/dirt and want to create the same effect, but have no idea how. It looks like a ruin with grass starting to take over. When I built my 1st dungeon battlemap (an outdoor setting), when I placed the trees they stick out over the edge of the map. Want to know how to control things so things that are half on get trimmed properly. Hope this helps!