OK, back at this project again and I'm working on importing SVG data into JTS. This is really much harder than it would seem at first as SVG is really, really loose and flexible compared to GIS formats.

So far I've manage to make a little program that loads up an SVG file, looks for paths, and converts them to linestrings or multilinestrings depending on whether it has multiple subpaths. It only understands moveto, lineto, and closepath commands at the moment and chokes on anything else. It then spits it all out in OGC WKT format.

Roughly speaking, that means it takes this:
<path d="M 258.59905,189.69191 80.812204,365.45845 264.65997,692.74788 220.21325,510.92042 519.21841,434.14883 385.87827,246.26045 z" />
Which can be exported from Inkscape, and produces this:
LINESTRING (258.59905 189.69191, 80.812204 365.45845, 264.65997 692.74788, 220.21325 510.92042, 519.21841 434.14883, 385.87827 246.26045, 258.59905 189.69191)
Which can be loaded into at least some GIS software such as OpenJUMP.