Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
If I could ever figure out Illustrator then I'd use it more. As it is, though, it's sort of like Algebra or Sanskrit to me because of the way my brain works. I just have no control over it and start making boxes all over the place and nothing seems to go into the boxes. So for stupid people like me, raster is easier to wrap my pea-brain around since I can just draw a line and it goes where I put it.
I completely hear you on that. Although, I have the same with Photoshop. I find them both to be so incredibly non-intuitive that it frustrates the hell out of me. I'm a very (very) logical thinking person. One thing follows after another and there's a straight and very straightforward line between the two. And neither program works like that. They both have their own internal and totally alien sets of logic that defy any application of intuitive reasoning. It's gotten to the point where I don't believe you can learn either program without significant resources devoted towards doing so, ie. teachers, tutorials, etc. Trial and error get me nowhere.