Quote Originally Posted by RobA View Post
Hi quindia -

Beautiful map! So what is the backstory on Ram's Wall? It is so rare to see constructed features on a map of this scale it really jumped out at me...

-Rob A>
Ram's Wall is basically a Hadrian's Wall style structure built along the eastern border of the Kingdom of Bronet to protect the area from the denizen of the Troll Lands. Ram the Paladin, a high level character of a player in one of my games in the late 80's announced his intention to build such a fortress. There were already a series of forts along the border (see the original colored pencil map from website). The player actually worked out the cost at one point according to the DMG per mile and began allocating resources to the fortress. Realistically, I didn't give out that kind of treasure, but the idea was so cool, I began to devote resources from Bronet.

The PC eventually became an NPC, but his goal in the game carried on. Over the years, the wall was expanded. Sometimes, decades passed between campaigns and the wall grew more quickly. At one point civil war in Bronet ended construction for a generation. In the current time line, Ram has passed on, the civil war is over and new king reigns from Haven, but strife and skirmishes with the neighboring Kingdom of Goland (they supported a loosing claim during the civil war) have still kept any new resources from being alloted to construction. Not only that, the wall is crumbling or even collapsed in places. The time may come when the new king wishes he would have seen to Ram's Wall sooner...

This kind of stuff is the reason I keep returning to Quindia. There is a history that has evolved that I could never have written.