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Thread: March Entry: Random Dungeon

  1. #1

    Wip March Entry: Random Dungeon

    Fun challenge.

    I have to state outright my interpretation of the rules. For me, the glaring issue with random gen dungeons is believability. Corridors going hundreds of feet in one direction only to turn around and come back after 10 feet really bug me.

    With an eye to making the dungeon more believable I am removing or modifying corridors. Literal reading of the rules permits this but it may be against the spirit of the contest.

    My only defense is basically 'but its a good idea' . A little cut and paste makes the geomorph much more useful and still uses the best feature(s) of the random generator.

    So Without Further Ado....

    This is the original draw from the Random Gen.

    You will see that it has a lot of corridor that can't be said to do anything.

  2. #2


    These are the problems with the corridor pattern. I'm trying for a compromise between a realistic layout and the original one.

    I simply cant bring myself to have a world where miners are tunneling around 10 wide sections of rock just for fun. I am using features suggested by the random gen to turn some corridors into rooms. The 3x3 rooms with the central square are becoming stairways.

    This then is the modified layout. I have only removed what I consider the worst offenders. I have tried to keep the size and general orientation the same.

    Last edited by Sigurd; 03-02-2008 at 03:35 AM.

  3. #3
    Guild Member rwaluchow's Avatar
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    Hamilton, ON, Canada


    I think your efforts here are totally what this site is about and thus applaud your efforts; I still think your dungeon is within the spirit of the contest (its still pretty random).

  4. #4
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I agree with the sentiment that random generators will usually give ludicrous results which is why I don't use them - well that, and you give up the sheer enjoyment of sketching out a nice dungeon. But in this case I thought that the challenge was to have an identical set of starting points and to compare like for like so that its the skill & style that is being judged. You might have a better playable map but it might affect your score - if thats important for you. Some months the requirements are quite loose but this month it seems very strict. For example extra credit for back story is usually given. This month is more like a commercial editor giving you the sketch and saying this is it, make it look good.

  5. #5


    I agree with the sentiment that random generators will usually give ludicrous results which is why I don't use them
    That is actually the core of my defense. I love having random elements for designing things. Its not just that they are sometimes something for almost nothing, they can suggest things that are better than you might have come up with by yourself. When I cleaned up the corridor structure I had a sort of 'Ah Ha!' moment where it occurred to me that this is really a great way to use the random gen. You have to sharpen a pencil : you have to clean up a random gen. Rather than dismiss them out of hand, I think this makes them useful.

    Painter has a trace function that clones the brush stroke from one layer to another. It also made the random gen really useful.

    Of course, I will accept any decision by the judges.

    Further, I will share my score with all the Orphan Tree Squirrels of New York. So those that want to penalize me... think of the squirrels.....

    Last edited by Sigurd; 03-02-2008 at 11:44 AM.

  6. #6


    Honestly, I hadn't considered this when putting together the original rules....

    However, I will first applaud your efforts as I think this is a great way to leverage random dungeon generators.

    And then I will say, sorry, I don't think it follows the intent of the original rules as somewhat (hastily) defined The real intent was to make the best with the specific layout given.

    Though I will add a couple things:

    1) If you have the time, please keep at it. Expanding this technique will be great for others

    2) This premise may even find its way into a future monthly challenge.....

    3) Please don't let my lack of clarity turn you off from entering the contest...


    -Rob A>

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