Quote Originally Posted by rentauri View Post
That was what I am trying to do but the 'fade' out that shows the start of the river via tributaries is currently beyond me. I have tried multiple times to create them and I can't seem to get it right. This is why rivers that start at mountains (heck start off anywhere) always are a big as the river itself.

This is a problem I intend to fix, I just haven't had the time to search a tutorial and applying it to the map yet. I did try a script but I must be using it wrong because it always errors out. When I can I'm going to post the error in the that thread and see if I can get it resolved.

No currently this is all done in GIMP. This map is my first very digital map so I am tossing different things at it and seeing what sticks. I have a heck of a time getting the text to move at a 45-90 degree angle, curving it will be interesting.
If you want to stick with gimp there is this tutorial:

-Rob A>