Looks very good! The scale is astounding, a lot of work must have gone into this. I quite like the font, it's not bad, but you could play around a bit to get something you like better. Perhaps something a little less modern? I looked at the 50% version and the readability is very good, so a font which is a little less readable shouldn't be a problem, especially if you look at the 100% version. As for the colours, I like the general tones of the forests and the mountains. The marshes may be a bit too grey, perhaps a little more yellow/green would work better. The other thing is that it's very obvious the colours were painted in with a large soft brush. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but I think the forests would look a little better if only the actual 'leaf' part was coloured. Would take a lot of time and effort though, so it's maybe something to try out on a couple of trees to see if it's worth it.